www.ironjacamar.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 9. Pool

Table of Contents

9.1. Overview
9.2. Public API
9.3. Private API
9.4. Implementation
9.4.1. AbstractPool
9.4.2. AbstractPrefillPool
9.4.3. Pool types
9.5. ManagedConnectionPool
9.5.1. Private API
9.5.2. Implementation

The pool controls the physical connection to the target Enterprise Information System, such as a database.

It is up to the pool to create, hand out and destroy connections in the defined lifecycle based on the configuration parameters supplied by the user.

The pool architecture

The public API defines the API that programs external to the IronJacamar project can use to configure, and use the pool.

The Pool interface allows access to the name of the pool, flushing connections, and verifying if a connection can be obtained from the pool.

The PoolConfiguration class holds the configuration parameters for the pool.

The FlushMode enum defines the different flush modes supported.

The PoolStatistics interface defines the statistics available for a pool.

The package for the public API is org.jboss.jca.core.api.connectionmanager.pool.

The private API defines the API that can be used internally IronJacamar to control the pool. The API extends the public API where it makes sense in order to provide a more uniform interface to the implementation.

The PoolFactory class will create a Pool based upon the passed in configuration.

The PoolStrategy enum defines how the pool is split based on credential equallity.

The Pool interface extends the public API with methods that should only be available from with IronJacamar such as getting a connection listener, returning a connection listener, and shutting down the pool.

The PrefillPool interface defines the contract for pool implementations that supports prefilling of connections upon startup, such as OnePool and PoolBySubject.

The Capacity interface provides a handle to the policies used for increasing and decreasing the pool.

The CapacityIncrementer interface defines if a physical connection should be created given the input parameters.

The CapacityDecrementer interface defines if a physical connection should be destroyed given the input parameters.

The package for the private API is org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.api.

The pool implementation provides a concrete implementation of the contracts defined by the public and private APIs.

The package for the pool implementation is org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.

AbstractPool provides the methods that are shared across all pool implementations.

getKey(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo, boolean) defines the key used to lookup the ManagedConnectionPool instance. The implementation of this method is different for each pool type.

getManagedConnectionPool(Object, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) retrieves the correct ManagedConnectionPool instance. If the ManagedConnectionPool doesn't yet exists then one is created, and initialized.

emptyManagedConnectionPool(ManagedConnectionPool) removes a ManagedConnectionPool instance, if unused.

flush flushes the ManagedConnectionPool instances, based on the FlushMode.

getConnection(Transaction, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) returns a ConnectionListener instance, which has the physical connection to the Enterprise Information System attached. The method uses 3 sub methods to return the correct listener instance. getSimpleConnection returns a ConnectionListener if there is no transaction associated. getTransactionOldConnection returns the ConnectionListener already associated with the transaction, if any. getTransactionNewConnection creates a new ConnectionListener, and associates it with the transaction.

findConnectionListener finds a specific ConnectionListener instance.

returnConnectionListener returns a ConnectionListener instance to the correct ManagedConnectionPool.

shutdown shuts down the pool.

internalTestConnection(ConnectionRequestInfo, Subject) tries to obtain a ConnectionListener based on the input given.

The ManagedConnectionPool controls the ConnectionListener instances, which each has a physical connection (ManagedConnection) associated.

The package is org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.mcp

There are three different implementations of the ManagedConnectionPool interface. SemaphoreArrayListManagedConnectionPool which uses a Semaphore to guard an ArrayList which holds the ConnectionListeners. ArrayBlockingQueueManagedConnectionPool which uses an ArrayBlockingQueue to hold the ConnectionListeners. And LeakDumperManagedConnectionPool which extends SemaphoreArrayListManagedConnectionPool, but reports any leaks upon shutdown.

getConnection(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) provides a ConnectionListener. The method requires a lock in order to obtain a listener, using the specified timeout value. If a listener is avaiable in the pool then it is matched against the ManagedConnectionFactory to verify it is valid, and returned - otherwise it is destroyed. If no listener is available then a new listener is created and returned. In the latter case both prefill and a capacity increase is scheduled in order to prefill to the minimum size, and increase the pool by the specified capacity policy.

returnConnection(ConnectionListener, boolean, boolean) returns a ConnectionListener into the pool.

flush(FlushMode) flushes the ConnectionListeners according to the mode. Any listeners marked as bad will be destroyed. Prefill is scheduled at the end in order to maintain the minimum pool size.

removeIdleConnections is invoked from the idle remover in order to decrement the pool to the desired size based on the CapacityDecrementer policy. If any listeners are destroyed the pool is either scheduled for prefill, or for removal through emptyManagedConnectionPool if empty.

shutdown shuts the instance down. All listeners are removed.

fillTo(int) fills the pool to the specified size. The pool filler component uses this method.

increaseCapacity(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) increases the pool based on the CapacityIncrementer policy. The capacity filler component uses this method.

validateConnections validates that the listeners are valid according to ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory. Any invalid listeners are destroyed and prefill scheduled. The connection validator component uses this method.

detachConnectionListener disassociates the connections attached to the ManagedConnection such that it can be reused in another request through DissociatableManagedConnection.