JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 3. Releases

3.1. Overview
3.2. Versioning
3.2.1. Major
3.2.2. Minor
3.2.3. Patch
3.3. Identifiers
3.3.1. Alpha releases
3.3.2. Beta releases
3.3.3. Candidate for Release releases
3.3.4. Final releases
3.4. Nexus
3.4.1. Deploying a release
3.4.2. Deploying a snapshot
3.4.3. Deploying a snapshot (locally)

The chapter describes the various releases and their exit criteria.

Each release is labelled with a version number and an identifier.



Each release will contain a version number which relates to the feature branch where it was created.

Each release will contain an identifier which relates to the release quality.

The IronJacamar artifacts are uploaded to the JBoss.org Nexus repository located at:


The IronJacamar artifacts are deployed under the groupId of:


See the User Guide for a complete list of artifacts.